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Paint Your Soul


Paint Your Soul consists of original scores written and performed by Jill Mattson.  The collection features angelic vocals and techniques from Ancient Mystery Schools that employ sound to expand the listener’s mind and heart energy.

 There are musical elements in Paint Your Soul based on numerical patterns of sound frequencies encoded in the Bible (Numbers 7:12-83).  These powerful tones were secretly encoded in the Bible for safekeeping until the right time arrived for their unveiling.

 The original hidden numerical pattern was incomplete, as evidenced by unfinished numerical sequences.  The fully completed series, 18 frequencies, is translated into musical tones using tuning forks and is contained in Paint Your Soul.  

 These frequencies, termed the Solfeggio Frequencies, have been used throughout ancient Egypt, ancient Hebrew societies and in the Middle Ages as powerful restorative and healing frequency matrixes. The complete matrix of tones includes the Solfeggio and Reverse Solfeggio tones – and both harmonic sets of tones twinkle throughout this ethereal and soothing music.

 The Fibonacci series of numbers (found in the geometries of solar systems, plants and seashells, the human body, and in some of the world’s most loved art and architecture) has also been converted into musical form in Paint Your Soul. This pattern was believed to be the “Signature of God” as it is pervasive in all of nature and the cosmos. When this pattern was converted to tones, its mere sounds tuned the listener with Heaven and Earth – advancing his consciousness.

 The Fibonacci numbers (or sound frequencies – where music is concerned), when graphed, reveal a spiral pattern (Nautilus shell).  In contrast, graphs of analogous notes in Western music create a circle.  Many ancient traditions held that listening to the “spiral” pattern of sound “quickens” the listener’s soul, enabling it to rise closer to God.

 Paint Your Soul uses tuning forks to produce the pure Fibonacci tones of this spiral pattern.  According to ancient traditions, this creates a sound that carves a pathway into the listener’s consciousness, elevating him spiritually and creating brain wave patterns that can expand consciousness.

 Album Preview

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