The ElectroSmog Car Clearing


The BioGeometry Car Strip includes selected BioSignatures and the new Wi-Fi L angle to harmonize the effects of electro-stress in the car environment by superimposing the natural energy-balancing quality of BioGeometry and BioSignatures shapes into the electromagnetic fields inside the car. The strip can be attached anywhere on the dashboard. Size: 1.5cm x 8.5cm

The ElectroSmog Car Clearing
New cars create environmental EMFs and harmful stress factors, especially with current electrical systems (engine, dashboard, seat motors…etc.). As a result, subtle negative energy circulates in the car’s metal body. BioGeometry shapes balanced and improved the quality of subtle energy of the driver and occupants in the vehicle.
BioGeometry successfully collaborated with race driver Mr. Rami Serry. BioGeometry shapes in his idling vehicle to reduce his physiological stress markers, giving him an edge in the race. In addition, BioGeometry shapes balanced and improved the quality of subtle energy of the driver and occupants in the car.


The BioGeometry Car Strip includes selected BioSignatures and the new Wi-Fi L angle to harmonize the effects of electro-stress in the car environment by superimposing the natural energy-balancing quality of BioGeometry and BioSignatures shapes into the electromagnetic fields inside the car.
The strip can be attached anywhere on the dashboard.
Size: 1.5cm x 8.5cm

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